I recently discovered this treasure during my last visit helping clean out my parent's basement. Revisiting the characters, games, and publications I created as a child brought me to tears of laughter. I hope it does the same for you. I will be posting the work as I scan them. ENJOY!

I am now employed FT and would like any future donations to go to Child's Play; Penny Arcade's awesome fundraiser for kids in hospitals.

Monday, November 15, 2010


So I remember getting "How to Draw Superhero" books. I never did like the segment line figure drawing. I def tried it out a few times, but ended up always looking for the shortcuts to have a final drawing done quickly.

Spider-Man was def my favorite. When the black symbiote came along it def was a very cool suit, let alone you could play with shadows and muscles instead of worrying about all the web detail of the suit.

1 comment:

  1. I've got that one Autographed by Stan Lee.

    Its good for specific things but the anatomy in it needs some work.
